Serving Milwaukee, WI
Serving Milwaukee, WI
Call Us Today 414-763-5030

Skillful Representation for Property Division Cases

Let Us Make Sure Your Marital Assets Are Divided Fairly

Ensure that your marital assets and debts are divided fairly during the divorce with aggressive property division representation from Cervera Garcia Law Offices LLC. Trust our over 19 years of experience to help you retain ownership of your separate property. Get started with a FREE initial consultation and let us fight for your rights.
lawyer and clients

Maintain Your Separate Property

Trust a family law attorney to help distinguish between marital property and separate property and secure your belongings. Get in touch with us today for a FREE initial consultation and let a proven divorce attorney fight on your behalf.
Call us today for a FREE consultation.
Wisconsin is a community property state, so marital property is divided equally upon divorce. Marital property includes money and property acquired after the couple's wedding day, the day the couple established residency in Wisconsin, or January 1, 1986.
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